Þa sang Maria þærrihte þone lofsang þe we singað on Godes circan æt ælcum æfensange. sang: third person singular preterite; class III (nasal) < singan singað: third person plural present; class III (nasal) < singan "Then Mary immediately sang the hymn which we sing in God's church at each evensong." Ða bead se apostol him syfan nihta fæsten. bead: third person singular preterite; class II (a) < beodan "Then the apostle ordered him a fast of seven nights." Hi golon mid langum onsangum. golon: third person plural preterite; class VI < galan "They sang with long incantations." Swa us dryhten gebeden hæfð. gebeden: past participle; class V < biddan *NB the infinitive does not follow the expected pattern because this is a "weak present" (see M&R §116)* "As the Lord has ordered us to do." On middre nihte þa men fæstost slepon, þa wearð þæt fyr ontend swyðe færlicum bryne. slepon: third person plural preterite; class VII (b) < slapan wearð: third person singular preterite; class III (breaking) < weorðan "In the middle of the night when people were fastest asleep, the fire was kindled with a very sudden burning." He ondred swa swa hit gelamp þæt hi eft hine ne gecyrdon. ondred: third person singular preterite; class VII (b) < ondrædan (the infinitive cannot be reconstructed, as class VII has no fixed infinitive/present stem vowel) gelamp: third person singular preterite; class III (nasal) < gelimpan "He feared precisely as it happened, that they did not return to him." He wearp ðone hring mid þam bendum into ðam flowendum streame. wearp: third person singular preterite; class III (breaking) < weorpan "He threw the ring with the chains into the flowing stream." Fela þing wiste se halga wer on ær lange ær hi gelumpon. gelumpon: third person plural preterite; class III (nasal) < gelimpan "The holy man knew many things ahead of time, long before they happened."