andlang : genitive ær : dative æt : Actually, I would argue that this is not a fixed-case preposition (in §214 of the book it deserves a dagger). In the examples on the handout, it takes the dative (no motion). fram : dative geond : accusative mid : dative of : dative oð : accusative þurh : accusative ymb : accusative 1. We æt þæm ytmestan dæge eall agyldan sculan þæt he us ær on eorþan sealde. "On the last day we must repay him all that he will previously have given on earth." [or: we must all repay him...] 2. Bide þe sylfum æt Gode þæt he sylf þe forgife. "Pray to God for yourself that he himself will forgive you." 3. Lege þu þinne scetefinger andlang þines muðes. "Lay your index finger along your mouth." 4. Iosue ða fleah, swylce he afyrht wære, mid eallum his here andlang ðæs westenes. "Joshua then fled along the desert with his entire army, as though he were afraid." 5. Hi wæron mid þam fellum gescrydde. "They were dressed in the skins." 6. God bið eardigende on heofonum mid healicum mægenþrymme. "God dwells in heaven with the high host." 7. Ða asprang þis gedwyld geond ealne middaneard. "Then this error sprang up across the entire world." 8. Petres geþyld geþafode þæt ða hellican fynd hine up geond þa lyft sume hwile feredon. "Peter's patience permitted that the infernal fiends carried him up through the sky for some time." 9. Caiphas wæs æt þære geðeahte þa hie ymb þone hælend spræcon. "Caiaphas was at the council when they spoke about the saviour." 10. Þa ðæra sacerda ealdermen didon swiðe micele geþeahtunge ymb þæt sealfor. "Then the leaders of the priests gave a great deal of thought to the silver." 11. Se diacon clypode æt ælcere mæssan ær ðæm huselgange, "Se ðe huselganges unwurðe sy gange ut of ðære cyrcan." "The deacon called out prior to the taking of the Eucharist, 'He who is unworthy of the taking of the Eucharist, let him go out of the church.'" 12. Þurh halige mæssan hie beoð alysede of ðam witum ær þam mycclum dome. "By way of the holy mass they are redeemed from the punishments before the great judgement." 13. He wæs haliges lifes mann fram his cildhade. "He was a man of the holy life from childhood." 14. Seo sixte yld þissere worulde stynt fram Criste astreht oþ domes dæg. "The sixth age of this world stands stretched out from Christ until Judgement Day." 15. Hie me wæron oþ þisne fyrst æfre bediglode, and ic hie nu hwæþre ongyte. "First, until now, they were always hidden from me, and nevertheless I see them now."